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ITCH RTL implementation

·1645 words
Julia Desmazes

Introduction #

ITCH is a message protocol used in the application layer of financial exchanges that implement the ITCH/OUCH feeds.

It is part of the exchange’s direct data feed, a low latency feed between the exchange’s servers and a client’s trading infrastructure.

NASDAQ ITCH data feed network stack

This project is a synthesizable Verilog implementation of an ITCH protocol message parser, used on the client end of the link.

Although multiple exchanges use ITCH in their data feeds, the format of these messages varies. In order to reduce the amount of additional work required to add support for new exchanges, the majority of this RTL is procedurally generated.

By default this module supports NASDAQ’s TotalView ITCH 5.0 message format.


RTL implementation of the ITCH protocol decoder.



The ITCH protocol is an integral part of the direct exchange data feed. This protocol delineates a series of exchange-specific binary messages that convey essential exchange status information, including the tracking of orders, administrative messages, and exchange event notifications. It is exclusively used for outbound market data feeds and does not support order entry.

The messages comprising the ITCH protocol are delivered via MoldUDP64 packets, which ensure proper sequencing and tracking.

It is important to note that there is no universal implementation of ITCH; instead, each exchange defines its own message formats. For instance, NASDAQ’s version of ITCH is known as TotalView ITCH, and the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) uses ASX ITCH.

Message format #

Messages are of defined length based on their Message Type.

I will be using the TotalView ITCH version 5.0 message format in the following examples.

The modules used in the following examples will utilize an 8-byte payload with for UDP->MoldUPD64.

There is a predefined format for each Message Type with predefined fields.

For example, the System Event message, used to signal a market or data feed handler event, has a Message Type of 0x53 (S in ASCII), a total length of 12 bytes, and follows the following format :

example message
System Event message format, part of NASDAQ’s TotalView-ITCH version 5.0

The fields can belong to one of the following four types :

  • Unsigned integer : This is the most common type, used for message integer fields, and it is represented in big endian.
  • Price : Integer fields that need to be converted to a fixed point decimal format. There are two sub-type for Price: Price(4) with 4 decimal places and Price(8) with 8.
  • ASCII : Text fields that are left-justified and padded on the right with spaces.
  • Timestamp : A 6-byte unsigned integer representing the number of nanoseconds elapsed since midnight.

Automatic generation #

Because there is no single ITCH protocol message format, and because the RTL code for the decoder is painfully repetitive, I have decided to automatically generate the majority of the Verilog code for this module.

Generation flow from XML to Verilog module.


The ITCH message format is described in an XML file.

This XML file is also used to generate the code for the C ITCH library associated with this project. This library is used in the HFT project’s self-checking test bench and in my custom tools.

The following is the description of the System Event message :

<Struct name="system_event" len="12" id="S" database="true">
    <Field name="message_type" offset="0" len="1" type="char_t"/>
    <Field name="stock_locate" offset="1" len="2" type="u16_t"/>
    <Field name="tracking_number" offset="3" len="2" type="u16_t"/>
    <Field name="timestamp" offset="5" len="6" type="u48_t"/>
    <Field name="event_code" offset="11" len="1" type="eSystemEvent"/>
  • : message type
  • Sturct.len : total length in bytes of this message
  • : ascii code for this message type
  • Struct.database : identifies if we should include this Struct in our generation, currently unused
  • : name of the field
  • Field.offset : field start position, offset in bytes from the start of the message
  • Field.len : length in bytes of this field
  • Field.type : type of this field, unused by ITCH module, used by C libraries to indicate how to manipulate the data.

This XML was originally authored by the github user doctorbigtime for his own message parser written in Rust. All credits for this XML belong to him.

Python script #

The Python script reads this XML and translates the outlined message formats into Verilog code.

These generated sequences are then written into multiple Verilog files in the gen folder.

Include in module #

Our main module assembles the code by using the include directive to include the generated code files.

Architecture #

This module is a message decoder, internally it works by accumulating message bytes, identifying the message type and routing the message field data to the wires associated with the message type.

ITCH module overview. Inbound message bytes are sent from the MoldUDP64 module, and its output is connected to the trading algorithm. The outbound early interface is optional.

Internally, the message decoder accumulates the message bytes received from the MoldUDP64 module into the internal data_q and ov_data_q flops. The contents of the data_q flops are connected to the corresponding outbound decoded message fields.

The number of bytes received for the current message is tracked by the data_cnt_q counter. By examining the first byte of each message, we can identify the Message Type and determine the number of expected bytes to collect.

The cycle after the entire message has been received, the validity signal on the ITCH outbound interface corresponding to this Message Type is asserted.

Overlap #

I refer to an overlap as a case where, from the perspective of the MoldUDP64 module, the last bytes of a message and the first bytes of a new message are transmitted within the same UDP->MoldUDP64 payload.

Payload containing data of two messages, having its data split onto both outbound MoldUDP64 interfaces. Because overlap only occurs when there is at least 1 byte of the previous message data in the payload, and the length field is 2 bytes, our overlap data is at most N-3 bytes wide for a N byte payload.

The overlapping bytes are the first bytes of this new message.

Due to choices made regarding how to handle overlap cases, the ITCH module has two inbound interfaces by which it can accept new message bytes.

In order to avoid corrupting the value of the byte count data_cnt_q and the flopped data data_q for the finishing message, data pertaining to these overlapping bytes will be stored in dedicated flops ov_data_q and ov_cnt_q, and merged with the remainder of its message in the following cycle.

Interfaces #

Input interfaces #

The inbound interface is connected to the MoldUDP64 module and used to receive message bytes.

Message interface #

The message interface is the standard interface used to transmit all message bytes, with the exception of the overlapping bytes.

input                  valid_i,
input                  start_i,
input [KEEP_LW-1:0]    len_i,
input [AXI_DATA_W-1:0] data_i,
  • valid_i : signals the validity of data on this interface
  • start_i : signals the start of a new message
  • len_i : length of the valid data in bytes
  • data_i : data bytes
Overlap interface #

The overlap interface is used exclusively for transmitting the overlapping bytes. Due to the conditions in which an overlap occurs, there is no need for a start signal, as the start is implied when we have a valid overlap.

input                  ov_valid_i,
input [OV_KEEP_LW-1:0] ov_len_i,
input [OV_DATA_W-1:0]  ov_data_i,
  • ov_valid_i : an overlap has occurred, data on this interface is valid. Implies the start of a new message
  • ov_len_i : length of the valid data in bytes
  • ov_data_i : overlapping bytes

Output interfaces #

The output of this module is intended to be connected to a trading algorithm.

There are two output interfaces. The first is the standard output interface, which becomes valid once all the bytes of the message have been received.

The second interface is optional, and is an early interface used to identify the type of the message currently being received, and which message fields have received all their data.

To include this interface, declare the EARLY macro.

Standard interface #

Standard outbound decoder interface, contains fully decoded messages.

output logic itch_<message_type>_v_o,
output logic [<field length>-1:0] itch_<message_type>_<field_name>_o, 
output logic [<field length>-1:0] itch_<message_type>_<field_name>_o, 
  • itch_<message_type>_v_o : valid signal, a message of <message_type> has been fully received
  • itch_<message_type>_<field_name>_o : message field
Early interface #

This optional early interface is used to start triggering decisions as soon as individual data fields have been fully received, eliminating the need to wait for the complete reception of all the message bytes.

output logic itch_<message_type>_early_v_o,
output logic itch_<message_type>_<field_name>_early_v_o,
output logic itch_<message_type>_<field_name>_early_v_o,
  • itch_<message_type>_early_v_o : valid signal, decoding a message of type <message_type>.
  • itch_<message_type>_<field_name>_early_v_o : valid signal, all bytes of <field_name> have been received. When used, it should only be used when the associated early <message_type> valid signal is high. The field data bytes will be on the standard interface.

Example #

In the following example, the ITCH module with an early interface is decoding two messages. The first is a 21-byte-long Snapshot message, and the second is a 39-byte-long anonymous Add Order message.

All values are represented using hexadecimal with the exception of the data byte counter data_cnt_q in yellow that is using decimal.
Snapshot message format, Message Type=0x47
Add Order message format, Message Type=0x41

Since our Snapshot message is 21 bytes long, and since, in our MoldUDP64 packet, there is a 2 bytes long lenght field before the start of each new message’s data bytes, the first byte of the Add Order message will overlap.

Last bytes of the Snapshot message and the first byte of the Add Order message are overlapping within an 8 byte payload.

Due to this, the start of the Add Order message will be sent through the overlap interface. We can observe that the data_cnt_q counter will delay accounting for this overlapping byte by one cycle, giving us the needed time to finish processing the previous Snapshot message.

Wave view of the ITCH module behavior including the optional early interface.

Resources #

ASX Trade ITCH Specification