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MoldUDP64 and ITCH testbench

·1339 words
Julia Desmazes

Introduction #

In this post, I will be going over the testing for the MoldUDP64 and ITCH modules. This article is best read after having read the post on designing the MoldUDP64 module and ITCH module.

Although both the ITCH and MoldUDP64 modules have their own small SystemVerilog test benches, these test benches are relatively simple and do not offer extensive testing coverage. Additionally, they are limited to a single block, and experience has taught me that a lot can go wrong when connecting different modules. The goal of this top-level test bench is to provide more comprehensive testing for each block and test the system as a whole.

The goal when designing this top-level test bench was to simulate the driving signals our hardware would encounter if it were connected directly to the NASDAQ data feed. To closely match real-world behavior within the constraints of my nonexistent budget, our test bench will recreate data feed packets based on NASDAQ-provided logs containing ITCH messages captured at the exchange.

NASDAQ generously provides these files free of charge, and they can be found here.


RTL design for a nasdaq compatible high frequency trading low level. Supports itch on moldudp64.


Architecture #

The NASDAQ data feed directly updates participants on changes in the status via ITCH messages. These messages are delivered by MoldUDP64 packets. A single MoldUDP64 packet can contain multiple ITCH messages.

The objective of our testbench will be to read this dump file and extract the ITCH messages. We will then recreate a MoldUDP64 packet containing multiple of these messages and break it down into smaller payloads of the corresponding size to the UDP -> MoldUDP64 data width and feed them through the simulator.

In parallel, the testbench will decode the ITCH message and produce the next expected ITCH module decoder output. This expected outcome will be compared to the actual ITCH module output, completing the self-testing loop.

Testbench simulation wave, displaying the decoding of an ITCH system event message. We can observe two different ITCH message interfaces: the itch_* signals are driven by the ITCH RTL module, while the tb_itch_* signals contain the expected ITCH decoded values and are driven by our testbench. The values of these two groups are compared during the checking process.


During the testbench initialization, the user will provide the path to the NASDAQ ITCH dump file.

This NASDAQ-provided dump file contains multiple ITCH messages stored using the NASDAQ-specified BinaryFILE format.

BinaryFILE format.

Each payload contains a single ITCH message in its raw binary format.

Since reading these files and decoding the ITCH messages are operations I perform in other contexts, the code for these operations is in my TotalView-ITCH 5.0 library.


Small C library to handle itch messages


Fake MoldUDP64 packet #

Each of our MoldUDP64 packets contains a random number of ITCH messages extracted from the dump file. For each ITCH message that is added to the packet, we push the expected decoded ITCH module output to a FIFO to be dequeued later during checking.

MoldUDP64 package format, containing multiple ITCH messages.

Once this new MoldUDP64 packet has been created, we then ‘flatten’ the intermediate C structure representation into its binary format.

During simulation, if the MoldUDP64 signals it is ready to accept a new payload, the testbench will write at most the next 64 bits (or data bus width between the UDP -> MoldUPD64) onto the bus.

Decoded output checking #

Within a few cycles of simulation, the ITCH module will have received a full message and will drive it on its outbound interface.

At this moment, we will dequeue the expected ITCH decoded signals we stored earlier when creating the MoldUDP64 packet onto a series of testbench-driven signals that mirror the real ITCH outbound interface.

We will then compare the testbench-driven expected outbound signal values with the values obtained from the logic. This checking is performed in the SystemVerilog part of the testbench using a series of assertions.

`assert_stop( tb_itch_system_event_v == itch_system_event_v_o);
`assert_stop( ~tb_itch_system_event_v | tb_itch_system_event_v & tb_itch_system_event_stock_locate == itch_system_event_stock_locate_o);
`assert_stop( ~tb_itch_system_event_v | tb_itch_system_event_v & tb_itch_system_event_tracking_number == itch_system_event_tracking_number_o);
`assert_stop( ~tb_itch_system_event_v | tb_itch_system_event_v & tb_itch_system_event_timestamp == itch_system_event_timestamp_o);
`assert_stop( ~tb_itch_system_event_v | tb_itch_system_event_v & tb_itch_system_event_event_code == itch_system_event_event_code_o);

If both the message type and the decoded message fields content match, the check is successful; otherwise, the assertion will trigger.

Liveness #

In our testbench, we are practically always sending valid payloads to the MoldUDP64 module, but during testing, a few bugs caused long periods without a valid ITCH decoded message.

To quickly detect these cases and simplify tracking down these bugs, a liveness counter was added.

It is reset whenever a valid ITCH message is decoded and will trigger an assertion once it reaches 0.

Test bench #

Our top-level testbench is coded using a mix of C and SystemVerilog and runs using the Icarus Verilog (iverilog) simulator. The C code interfaces with the simulator using the Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI).

Using this approach is particularly convenient, as it allows me to build much more complex testbenches than I could with SystemVerilog alone and also enables easy reuse of my code base.

For illustration, this testbench uses my C TotalView-ITCH 5.0 library for parsing the NASDAQ log file.

Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI) #

In practice, the C code is compiled and linked into a shared object, which is loaded at runtime by the simulator.

As this is a shared object, we must compile our .o to be position independent. This is done using the -fpic compile flag:

FLAGS = -fpic 

moldudp64.o: moldudp64.c moldudp64.h
    $(CC) -c moldudp64.c $(FLAGS)

To link to the target vpi format I am using the -shared and -lvpi flags :

tb.vpi: tb.o tb_utils.o tb_itch.o tv.o moldudp64.o axis.o tb_rand.h tb_config.h libitch.a 	
    $(LD) -shared -o tb.vpi tb.o tv.o axis.o moldudp64.o tb_utils.o tb_itch.o $(LIB) -lvpi 

When launching the iverilog simulation I specify the vpi’s name and directory using the -m<vpi_file> and -M <vpi_dir> arguments :

run: test vpi 	
    vvp -M $(VPI_DIR) -mtb $(BUILD)/hft_tb 

Please note, the VPI interface is simulator-specific, so the earlier snippets are only applicable with iverilog.

As of writing, I have not added support for verilator to this testbench. If readers want to see an example of a VPI-enabled testbench with dual iverilog and verilator support, I would point you towards my Ethernet Physical Layer testbench.

sha1: 28a1a6a9fc1a0033b5cac89fde349a17266c27c7

Upon loading, using VPI, we register four new custom system functions with the simulator.

Each time these are reached in simulation, the corresponding C code is called. These are $tb_init, $tb, $tb_itch, and $tb_end. They can be called like any other system function. For reference, $random is a system function.

$tb_init #

$tb_init is used to initialize the C part of the testbench and allows the user to provide the path to the NASDAQ ITCH dump file to be used in this simulation.

If the file cannot be found, the simulation aborts.

Usage :


$tb #

$tb simulates a 64 bit axis bus between a hypothetical UDP block to the MoldUDP64 module.

Usage :

logic        axis_ready;
logic        axis_valid;
logic [63:0] axis_data;
logic [7:0]  axis_keep;
logic        axis_last;

logic        tb_finished;

$tb(axis_ready, axis_valid, axis_data, axis_keep,axis_last, tb_finished); 

It reads the axis_ready driven by the MoldUPD64 and correspondingly writes the content of axis_valid, axis_data, axis_keep and axis_last. It also writes out a tb_finished signal to indicate the C testbench has reached the end of the ITCH file and we can safely stop the simulation.

$tb_itch #

$tb_itch drives the expected values on the duplicate ITCH outbound interface. Whenever a new ITCH message is decoded these values are compared with the actual output of the ITCH module to check for any differences.

Usage :


Conclusion #

This top-level testbench allowed me to verify the behavior of the MoldUDP64 and ITCH modules in much more depth than the smaller block-level testbenches ever could.

Its next upcoming evolution will likely be to add support for verilator for faster iteration time and eventually integrate the MAC, IPv4, and UDP modules.

Ressource #

iverilog VPI documentation

NASDAQ BinaryFILE format specification